Covid and Loneliness
Some times I think about Japan’s Lost Generation. The concept of millions of people jobless and single has been with me for awhile. The effect of Japan’s Lost Generation gets touched on in Anime and I love Tetsuya Ishida’s paintings. The Loneliness is relatable in a strange kind of way. Since quarantine in America has started and continued I’ve thought about this group of people often. Many people who have homes and jobs are isolated with the Internet being the main connection to the outside world. I think more people understand the patterns and lifestyles of introverts and hermits more than ever before. Often some could arrive to this pattern by unforeseen circumstances. I wanted to make a piece which is really about Isolation and thirst for connection more than anything else. I feel as if this type of Loneliness was already present in American culture and was amplified by quarantine. Now it really is on the Internet for people to connect with each other. Going forward I wonder how people can truly use the Internet for personal connections that go beyond the light of the screen. For me I notice how much more I appreciate random small conversation with people.
How can the Internet be leveraged for better relationships?